Registration is the process by which students enroll in courses for a given semester. Below is information on how and when to search for course schedules and register for classes that are available. Students are encouraged to consult with their academic adviser before completing any registration or class scheduling activity.
What classes are available?
Penn State offers a large selection of courses each semester which can be viewed in the LionPATH Schedule of Classes.
View Class Search
- Current students, faculty and staff with an active PSU access account can search for classes using the LionPATH Class Search
- Visitors can find the Class Search at
When do I sign-up for classes?
Registration usually opens during the semester before and is a continuous process at Penn State, beginning with the student's first day to register and continuing until the first day of classes for the semester.
Registration Timetable
- View the course registration timetable to see when you can begin to register for classes in the the upcoming semesters.
What if I want to change my classes?
Once the semester begins you can still make changes to your schedule of classes. Always consult with your advisor before adding or dropping a course.
What if I need help registering for classes?
If you're having trouble using LionPATH to find and enroll in classes, visit the Student Help page on the LionPath Support website where you'll find help tutorials.